Acute Otitis Media
Acute otitis media, i.e. acute inflammation of the middle-ear cavity, is a common
condition and is frequently bilateral. It occurs most commonly in children
and it is important that it is managed with care to prevent subsequent
It most commonly follows an acute upper respiratory tract infection
and may be viral or bacterial. Unless the ear discharges pus from which an
organism is cultured it is impossible to decide one way or the other.
Acute otitis media is an infection of the mucous membrane of the whole
of the middle-ear cleft—Eustachian tube, tympanic cavity, attic, aditus,
mastoid antrum and air cells.
The bacteria responsible for acute otitis media are: Streptococcus pneumoniae
35%, Haemophilus influenzae 25%, Moraxella catarrhalis 15%. Group
A streptococci and Staphylococcus aureus may also be responsible.
The sequence of events in acute otitis media is as follows:
1 organisms invade the mucous membrane causing inflammation,
oedema, exudate and later, pus;
2 oedema closes the Eustachian tube, preventing aeration and drainage;
3 pressure from the pus rises, causing the drum to bulge;
4 necrosis of the tympanic membrane results in perforation;
5 the ear continues to drain until the infection resolves.
More common
Common cold
Acute tonsillitis
Coryza of measles, scarlet fever,
whooping cough
Less common
Trauma to the tympanic
Barotrauma (air flight)
Temporal bone fracture
Earache may be slight in a mild case, but more usually it is throbbing and
severe.The child may cry and scream inconsolably until the ear perforates,
the pain is relieved and peace is restored.
Deafness is always present in acute otitis media. It is conductive in nature
and may be accompanied by tinnitus. In an adult, the deafness or tinnitus
may be the first complaint.
The child is flushed and ill.The temperature may be as high as 40°C.
There is usually some tenderness to pressure on the mastoid antrum.
The tympanic membrane
The tympanic membrane varies in appearance according to the stage of the
1 Loss of lustre and break-up of the light reflex.
2 Injection of the small vessels around the periphery and along the handle
of the malleus.
3 Redness and fullness of the drum; the malleus handle becomes more
4 Bulging, with loss of landmarks. Purple colour. Outer layer may desquamate,
causing blood-stained serous discharge. Early necrosis may be recognized,
heralding imminent perforation.
5 Perforation with otorrhoea, which will often be blood-stained. Profuse
and mucoid at first, later becoming thick and yellow.
Mucoid discharge
Mucoid discharge from an ear must mean that there is a perforation of the
tympanic membrane.There are no mucous glands in the external canal.
The treatment depends on the stage reached by the infection.The following
stages may be considered: early, bulging and discharging.
Penicillin remains the drug of choice in most cases, and ideally should be
given initially by injection followed by oral medication. In children under 5
years, when Haemophilus influenzae is likely to be present, amoxycillin will
be more effective, and should always be considered if there is not a rapid
response to penicillin. Co-amoxiclav is useful in Moraxella infections. Be
guided by sensitivity reports from the laboratory.
Simple analgesics, such as aspirin or paracetamol, should suffice. Avoid the
use of aspirin in children because of the risk of Reye’s syndrome.
Nasal vasoconstrictors
The role of 0.5% ephedrine nasal drops is traditional but its value is uncertain
in the presence of acute inflammation of the middle ear.
Ear drops
Ear drops are of no value in acute otitis media with an intact drum. Especially
illogical is the use of drops containing local anaesthetics, which can have
no effect on the middle-ear mucosa yet may cause a sensitivity reaction in
the meatal skin.
Myringotomy is necessary when bulging of the tympanic membrane persists,
despite adequate antibiotic therapy. It should be carried out under
general anaesthesia in theatre and a large incision in the membrane should
be made to allow the ear to drain. Pus should be sent for bacteriological
Following myringotomy, the ear will discharge and the outer meatus
should be dry-mopped regularly.
Discharging—nature’s myringotomy
If the ear is already discharging when the patient is first seen, a swab should
be sent for culture of the organism. Antibiotic therapy should be started but
modified if necessary when the result of the sensitivities is known. Regular
aural toilet will be necessary.
Do not consider acute otitis media to be cured until the hearing and the appearance
of the membrane have returned to normal.
If resolution does not occur, suspect:
1 the nose, sinuses or nasopharynx? Infection may be present;
2 the choice or dose of antibiotic;
3 low-grade infection in the mastoid cells.
Some children are susceptible to repeated attacks of AOM.There may be
an underlying immunological deficit such as IgA deficiency or hypogammaglobulinaemia
that will need to be investigated. Long-term treatment with
half-dose cotrimoxazole may be beneficial. If the attacks persist, grommet
insertion may prevent further attacks but may result in purulent discharge.