Week 10: WE Domains (Media n Advertising)
English is the most favored language of global media and advertising and its use is skyrocketing, creative needs of global advertisers are rarely met by the consideration of global homogeneity and language conformity. Thus, with super-branding and hyper-globalization going hand in hand with diversity marketing, the crossfertilization of world Englishes and other languages in advertising is also becoming more prominent than ever before.
Since the pioneering publication of Leech, there has been a proliferation of studies devoted to advertising in English. Following Leech’s model, a bulk of linguistic studies concerned themselves with the linguistic and literary devices (phonology, morphology, lexis, borrowings, clause and sentence structure, puns, metaphors, simile, and alliteration, etc.) used by advertisers.
Here students are introduced with global advertising strategies (using English) adopted by different nations.