Saliva (salivary secretion)


Introduction :

The whole length of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract is lined by different anatomical cells and structures giving it an organization that resembles a canal (the food canal) with two openings starting from the top (mouth) and ending at the bottom( anus), as food passes through  this canal to keep it patent and moist, it's lined by secretions. 

Different parts of the canal(GIT) have different secretions that have different biochemical composition to perform particular functions important for that area and according to the function, the biochemical composition varies 

Saliva is secretion of the mouth(oral cavity) where the food enters.

Learning objectives :

By the end of this lessen the student should be able to:

  • Describe the biochemical composition of saliva 
  • Describe the pH changes in saliva 
  • Describe the biochemical functions of saliva 

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