Digestion and absorption of Carbohydrates

Introduction :

In the lessons so far we learned about the biochemical composition of secretions of  separate parts of the GIT and we learned that all of these collectively work to break down the complex food particles into basic units.

The process of break down of complex food particles into basic units Is called digestion and these simple units are then transported to the blood to be carried to the target tissues for utilization in a process called absorption 

A normal meal usually consists of a mixture of macromolecules i.e Carbohydrates, Proteins and lipids in major amounts and to lesser extent there are micromolecules

In the coming lessons we will deal with digestion and absorption of each macromolecule and the micromolecules.

Learning outcomes :

  • Describe integration of secretions of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract for the digestion of Carbohydrates 
  • Explain the release of the basic unit of Carbohydrate in the lumen of the small intestine 
  • Describe the transport processes for absorption of Carbohydrates across the intestine into the circulation 
  • Describe Carbohydrate malabsorption diseases