week 11: Chapter 8 (Multimedia Skills) complete + Practical work
Mere possession of the equipment does not make one into a videographer, film editor, set designer, scriptwriter, audio engineer, animator, and programmer. Some people do possess all of the innate talents required to produce decent multimedia, but few have mastered all the skills required to bring a major project to fruition. More typically, world-class productions are realized through the teamwork of a variety of talented people with specialized experience.
Practical work: Poster making, Background designing with simple shapes, brush tool, utilising colors etc.
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Course Material
- week 1: Chapter 1 (What is Multimedia?) + Practical work
- week 2: chapter 2 (Text) + Practical work
- week 3: chapter 3 (Images) half covered + Practical work
- week 4: chapter 3 (Images) Remaining part complete + Practical work
- week 4: chapter 4 (Sound) Part 1 + Practical work
- week 5: chapter 4 (sound) part 2 (half covered) + Practical work
- week 5: chapter 4 (sound) complete + practical work
- week 6: chapter 5 (Animation) half covered + Practical work
- week 6: chapter 5 (Animation) complete + practical work
- week 7: chapter 6 (video) half covered + Practical work
- week 7: chapter 6 (video) complete + Practical work
- week 8: chapter 7 (Making multimedia) part 1 + Practical work
- week 8: chapter 7 part 2 (Making multimedia) half part covered + Practical work
- week 9: chapter 7 (Making multimedia) complete + Practical work
- week 9: Basic concepts for Printing in Market + Practical work
- week 10: Midterm Assignment guidance
- week 10: chapter 8 (half covered +Practical work
- week 11: Chapter 8 (Multimedia Skills) complete + Practical work
- week 11: Chapter 9 (Planning and Costing) 25% complete +Practical work
- week 12: chapter 9 (planning and costing) 50% complete + Practical work
- week 12: Chapter 9 (planning and costing) 75% complete +Practical work
- week 13: Chapter 9 (Planning and costing) 100% complete+Practical work
- week 13: chapter 10 (Designing and Producing) half covered+ Practical work
- week 14: chapter 10 (Designing and Producing) complete + Practical work
- week 14: Macromedia flash Professional 8
- week 15: Simple tween
- week 15: shape and path tweening
- week 16: Online Quiz (Viva) + Presentation
- week 16: Online Quiz (Viva) + Presentation
- Book: Multimedia making it work (Eight edition) by Tay Vaughan
- Quiz / Activities
- Sessional Marks Breakdown and Assignments
- Midterm Evaluation + Midterm Assignments
- Multimedia Course Outline
- Time of class meeting
- Learning Outcomes + Prerequisites + credit hours
- Chapters 36
- Department CS & IT
- Teacher
Khansa Saleem