Classification on the basis of methods, Verbal and Non Verbal, Advantages and Disadvantages
Classification of Communication
Communication |
Non-Verbal |
On the Basis of Methods |
Intra-Personal Inter-Personal Group Communication Mass Communication
On the Basis of Level |
Verbal |
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Verbal Communication
All the messages said or written in words make part of the verbal communication. This way, all that appears as text in books, magazines and newspapers is part of verbal communication. One can guess the size of an industry in the area of mass communication based on verbal communication.
Likewise, all the words heard on radio, television, telephone or any other public address system are also part of verbal communication. Again, the industry and technology based on verbal communication is enormous in size and value as well.
The effectiveness of the verbal communication depends on the tone of the speaker, clarity of speech, volume, speed, body language and the quality of words used in the conversation. In the case of the verbal communication, the feedback is immediate since there are a simultaneous transmission and receipt of the message by the sender and receiver respectively.
The sender must keep his speech tone high and clearly audible to all and must design the subject matter keeping the target audience in mind. The sender should always cross check with the receiver to ensure that the message is understood in absolutely the same way as it was intended. Such communication is more prone to errors as sometimes the words are not sufficient to express the feelings and emotions of a person.
Advantages of Oral Communication
1. It is a learnable and improvable human activity.
2. It is a more accurate reflection of thought and attitude of the speaker.
3. It creates and sustains warm, interpersonal relationships.
4. It combines sight and sound, thus enabling participants to benefit from both verbal and non-verbal stimulus.
5. It can satisfy man’s needs and desires (wants) more quickly than writing or gestures.
6. It allows for instantaneous exchange of ideas, information, opinions, feelings and attitudes.
7. It enables participants to seek immediate clarification whenever in doubt of the meaning being negotiated.
8. It provides for instantaneous feedback, thereby making it possible for the participants to assess the success, or failure, of their communication efforts and so decide whether or not to modify their needs of communication interaction.
Disadvantages of Oral Communication
1. It lacks permanence.
2. It does not allow participants’ thought to crystalise, thus resulting in imprecise communication and even outright errors which could be avoided in written communication.
3. There is possibility of distortion of meaning.
4. It can easily be denied.
5. It has little weight as contractual evidence.
6. It is usually not admissible in evidence in the law court.
Advantages of Written Communication
1. It provides opportunities for record keeping.
2. It is amenable to conveying complex messages, information, and ideals as well as explaining difficult process.
3. It can be reproduced through various reprographic processes and dispatched to widely scattered receivers.
4. It provides avenues through which oral transaction can be clarified, analysed and confirmed.
5. It provides a basis for contractual agreements.
6. It reduces the chance of distortion.
Disadvantages of Written Communication
(1)It may require a laborious effort to produce.
(2)It lacks the warmth of interpersonal relationships.
(3)It may be expensive especially when it requires being dispatched to scattered receivers.
(4)It delays feedback.
(5)It makes it difficult for the sender to modify his message once it is composed and dispatched.
(6)It multiplies errors, particularly with the advances in the technology of message dissemination through computer networks, fax, e-mail etc.
(7)It requires a good level of literacy on the part of the receiver.
Non-verbal Communication
Nonverbal communication refers to gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, eye contact (or lack thereof), body language, posture, and other ways people can communicate without using language.
< >Senses Symbols, signs
Emblems, gestures, symbols and signs make more vivid and strong communication as compared to words which are often difficult to decipher.
For instance making a victory sign by politicians, army generals, sportspersons and leaders in general at the time of defeating enemy is easily understood even by the illiterate. If the same feeling is expressed in words, many may not come even close to understanding what it is.
The traffic signals, red-cross mark and the symbol of dove are but few illustrations to make people around understand what a message stands far.
Differences between Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Hybels and Weaver II (2001) identify eight important ways in which verbal and non-verbal communications differ:
In contrast to verbal communication, non-verbal communication can take place when you are not around for people to form an impression of you directly e.g. the room you live in, poster on your walls, where you eat, etc.
Verbal communication begins and ends with words, non-verbal continues.
Non-verbal communication often uses more than one channel- can combine sound and sight.
Non-verbal communication gives a lot of feedback.
While you can control verbal communication, you do not always have control over non-verbal communication especially emotional responses.
Non-verbal communication does not follow a planned sequence because much of it occurs unconsciously. Unlike verbal communication which has a grammar that determines how you build your sentences, nonverbal communication lacks formal structure.
Many verbal communication rules are taught in formal environment. Much of non-verbal is not taught; you pick them up imitating others.