Characteristics, Content and Types of Newspapers

Characteristics of Newspapers

Primarily newspapers are print media even though digital age offers online newspapers and e-newspapers. That is why it has all the features that any print medium has. Major features of mass media are given below:

  1. Predominance of news-oriented content:

There are three types of content in newspapers: news, views and advertisements. Of these news overshadows the others because newspapers are primarily meant for the dissemination of news.

  1.  Regular periodicity:

 Newspapers may be published daily or weekly. Periodicity may vary but, regularity should be kept. Every newspaper keeps a particular regularity in publication.

  1.  Future reference facility:

 Being a print medium, newspapers can be kept for future use. This archiving ability makes newspapers one of the main sources of historical research.

  1. Choice of the time of use:

Unlike television and radio, we can read newspapers at any time. Some read in the morning while others in the evening after work. This facility increases the popularity of newspapers.

  1. The Literates’ medium:

Unlike television and radio, newspaper demands literacy from the part of the audience.

  1. Low cost:

 Compared to other media, newspaper is a cost effective medium. Anybody can afford a newspaper as it needs no hidden charges or other accessories. Electronic media requires power supply and the new media need digital technology.

  1. Multiple Users:

Many readers can read a copy of the newspaper simultaneously or separately.

  1. Textual Medium:

Text is the soul of newspapers, though they carry images and graphics.

Contents of Newspaper

 General-interest newspapers are usually journals of current news. Those can include: 

Political events





Opinions (either editorials, columns, or political cartoons)

Newspapers use photographs to illustrate stories; they use editorial cartoonists, usually to illustrate writing that is opinion, rather than news. 

Some specific features a newspaper may include are: 

• weather news and forecasts 

• an advice column 

• critical reviews of movies, plays, restaurants, etc. 

• editorial opinions 

• a gossip column

• a sports column or section

 • a humor column or section 

• a food column  

Types of newspapers

Besides the contents, the newspapers also specialize in their type. 

• International newspapers

• Weekly newspapers

• Sunday newspapers 

• National newspaper

• Local newspaper