The computer is nowadays being used in almost all academic disciplines. It is the latest and most advanced technology of the present era. Education too is not an exception. Computer technology is being applied as a major AV- aid in instruction as well as planning. Moreover, numerous soft wares have been developed that are used in research (for data analyses and data presentation) and teaching. This course is intended to introduce the students to recent developments and applications of computer technology in the field of education. It will enable the students to equip themselves with the use of modern technologies in the classroom. It also enables them to use these technologies in school management. Information technology plays a vital role in the development of every organization, whether, business organizations or social organizations like schools. This course focuses on the recent developments and applications of computer technology in the field of education. The course has the following objectives for the students, understand computer systems and information technology differentiate among different work environments of computer systems, exhibit capabilities of using the computer in education, and develop and maintain a database of an educational institute.

Course Outline

  1. Fundamentals of Computer
  2. Disk Operating System
  3. Windows operating system
  4. Word Processor
  5. Spread Sheet
  6. Designing Presentations
  7. DataBase Management
  8.  Scheduling and Maintaining Personal Information
  9. Computer in Education
    1. Using different types of programs for delivering lessons in classrooms
    2. Lesson planning by using Roblyer’s data base of strategies and lesson plans
    3. Management of student related information
    4. Preparing result cards and reports
  10. Searching for Information
    1. Introduction to internet
    2. Searching and browsing
    3. Downloading and uploading information

Recommended Texts:

  1. Cox, J. & Preppernau, J. (2017). Step by Step Microsoft office word 2007. Washington:

Microsoft Press

  1. Steinberg, E. R. (2018).Teaching computers to teach. London: Psychology Press.

Suggested Readings:

  1. Ahmad, J., Ahmad, S., & Khan, A. (2016). Computer Application in Education.

Hyderabad, India: Neelkamal Publisher 

  1. Comer, D. E. (2018). The Internet book: Everything you need to know about computer     

Networking and how the Internet works. London: Chapman and Hall.

  1. Parsons, J. J., Oja, D., Beskeen, D. W., Cram, C. M., & Duffy, J. (2015). Enhanced     

Computer concepts and Microsoft office 2013 illustrated. New York. Cengage Learning.


  • Sessional:                                 20
  • Assignments:                           12        (Classwork Assignment 7 + Major Assignment 5)
  • Presentation:                            5
  • Participation:                            3          (Attendance 1 + Discussion and Questioning 2)
  • Term Paper                              30
  • Final exam:                               50
  • Total                                       100


Date and Time of Meeting 
Course Day Time
ICT in  Education EDU-303 1.  Tuesday 09:30 am - 11:00 AM
2. Wednesday 09:30 am - 11:00 AM
3. Thursday 09:30 am - 11:00 AM

Course Material