This course focuses on developing effective elementary school leaders. The aim of the course is to make prospective teachers well acquainted with the process of running schools in an effective and efficient manner besides being well versed in the duties and responsibilities of the headteachers. The course covers knowledge about school management; organization;  function of headteachers,  record keeping, and school-community relations related matters. This course focuses on developing effective elementary school leaders. The aim of the course is to make prospective teachers well acquainted with the process of running schools in an effective and efficient manner besides being well versed in the duties and responsibilities of the headteachers. The course covers knowledge about school management; organization; function of headteachers, record keeping, and school-community relations related matters.


The course will enable learners to:

  • Manage and plan school academic matters effectively
  • Manage and plan school budget matters effectively
  • Manage  and  plan  students  affairs  related  to  co-curricular  activities
  • Manage library and instructional material related matters
  • Manage upward, downward and horizontal communication
  • Manage and plan school – community relationship activities.
  • Resolve conflicts among different custodians of the school community.
  • Maintenance and management of school infrastructure and programs


Week 1: Introduction to Management

Week 2:Role of headteacher as manager

Week 3: Planning the curriculum

Week 4: Health, safety, and co-curricular activities

Week 5: Management structure

Week 6: Communication in schools

Week 7: Recordkeeping in schools

Week 8: Day to day concerns

Week 9: School Plants



  • Sessional:                             20
  • Assignments:                        12        (Classwork Assignment 7 + Major Assignment 5)
  • Presentation:                         5
  • Participation:                          3          (Attendance 1 + Discussion and Questioning 2)
  • Mid Exam /Term Paper          30
  • Final exam:                             50
  • Total                                       100

Recommended Books

Robbins, P. S. & Coulter, M. (2012). Management, 11 Edition. London: Prentice Hall. Retrieve from

Robbins, P. S. & Coulter, M. (2016). Management, 13 Edition. London: Prentice Hall. Retrieve from

Date and Time of Meeting 
Course Day Time
School Management EDU-407 1. Monday 09:30 am - 11:00 am
2. Tuesday 02:00 pm - 03:30 pm
3. Thursday 09:30 am - 11:00 am

Suggested Readings

Burden, P. (1995) Classroom Management and Discipline. New York: Longman. Hoy, W.K. & Miskel, G.C (1996)  Educational  Administration:  Theory Research and Practice, (5th ed.) New York: McGraw Hill Inc.

Lunenburg  &  Ornstein,(2004)  Educational  Administration:  Concepts and Practices Tony Bush: Theories of Educational management. Robbins,  S.P. (1996). The Administrative  Process. Sydney:  Prentice Hall.

Robbins, P. S. & Coulter, M. (2013). Fundamental of Management. London: Pearson. Retrieve from


Course Material