
An introduction to the quantum theory, as formulated in the 1920’s and 1930’s by Born, Bohr, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, and others. First, we’ll discuss how quantum theory arose in the face of certain discrepancies between 19th-century classical theory and experiment. Then, I’ll try to impart a set of mathematical tools needed to formulate problems in quantum mechanics, introducing methods of theoretical physics required to solve them as needed. Content will include a review of the Schrodinger equation, operators, eigenfunctions, compatible observables, infinite well in one dimension, Fourier methods and momentum space, Hermiticity; scalar products of wave functions, completeness relations, matrix mechanics and harmonic oscillator in one dimension.

Quantum Mechanics (QM) plays an important role in the following fields:

  • QM governs the behavior of microscopic systems
  • QM has some importance in technology as it is needed to design optical and electronic components, which often take advantage of distinctively quantum mechanical effects
  • QM is also important for the theory of computation. According to QM it is possible to build a universal quantum computer that can simulate any physical system. This means we can test theories about physical systems by simulating them and then checking the results of the simulations against reality.
  • QM tells us a lot about the structure of reality. For example, all physical systems exist in multiple versions

Recommended Books:

1.       Introductory Quantum mechanics by R.L. Liboff, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Reading Mass. (1980 and later editions).

2.       QUANTUM MECHANICS: Concepts and Applications by Nouredine Zettili, JOHN WILEY & SONS (2001 and later editions)

3.       A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics by J.S. TownsendMcGraw Hill Book Company, Singapore (1992).

4.       Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction by  W. Greiner, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Reading Mass. (1980).

5.       Quantum Mechanics, Classical Results, Modern Systems and visualized Examples  by Richard W. Robinett, Oxford University Press (2006).

6.       Theory of Quantua by Bialynicki-Birula, M. Cieplak & J. Kaminski, Oxford University Press, New York (1992).

7.       Relativistic Quantum Mechanics by W. GreinerSpringer Verlag, Berlin (1990).

8.       Quantum Mechanics by F. Schwabe, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (1992).

9.       Quantum Physics by S. Gasiorowicz, Wiley, (2003).

10.    Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J. Griffiths PRENTICE Hall, Int., Inc, (2005).

Assessment Criteria:

Sessional:                    20 marks (Assignment, quiz, etc)

Mid Term exam:           30 marks

Final exam:                  50 marks


Time of class:

BS 6th Regular       =>       Wednesday (11:00 - 12:00), Thursday (11:00 - 12:00), Friday (11:00 - 12:00)

BS 6th Self Support   =>     Wednesday (03:00-04:00), Thursday (02:00-03:00), Friday (02:00-03:00)

Course Material