This course is intended to provide an introduction to the physics of solids. We will begin by characterizing the properties of static (crystal structure) and dynamic (lattice vibrations) arrangements of atoms. Next we will study electrons in solids and will identify key features distinguishing metals, insulators and semiconductors. Semiconductor devices and, time permitting, biological systems will also be discussed. We will end with two examples of macroscopic quantum phenomena, magnetism and superconductivity, and a discussion of current open questions. Topics of current interest will be covered throughout the course.

Pre-requisite: Solid State Physics-I

Recommended Books:     

1. Introductory Solid States Physics – H. P. Myers (latest edition)

2. Solid States Physics - S.O. Pillai (2005)

3. Problem in Solid State Physics – S.O. Pillai (2005)

4. Solid States Physics – A.J. Dekkar(latest edition)

5. Solid states Physics – Wahab (2005)

6. Solid States Physics – Ibach & Luth(latest edition)

7. Solid state physics by Neil W. Ashecroft, N. David Mermin, CBS Publishing Asia Ltd. (2003)

Assessment Criteria:

Sessional:                    20 marks (Assignment, quiz, etc)

Mid Term exam:           30 marks

Final exam:                  50 marks


Time of class:

MSc 3rd Regular  =>      Thursday(02:00 - 03:00) & (03:00 - 04:00), Friday(02:00 - 03:00)

Course Material