Week 01-02

Learning Outcomes:

These lessons will focus on the origin of Quantum Mechanic: the historical background of classical physics, particle aspects of radiations (Planck's hypothesis, black body radiations, photoelectric effects and Compton effects). This course examines the fundamental concepts and experimental techniques of quantum mechanics. Students will develop a self-critical perspective on the theoretical techniques to solve the problems. Rather the task is to develop reflective and critical skills for thinking about creative solutions for further higher studies and applications.

Lesson Plan:

Lecture 01: Introduction to the "Quantum Mechanics"; Introduction to the course contents and parts of the course, Benefits of studying this course.

Lecture 02: Review of Concepts of Classical Mechanics i.e.:

  • Particles

  • Waves

  • Energy is continuous in Classical Physics

Lecture 03: Particle Aspects of Radiation, Black Body Radiation

Lecture 04: Photoelectric effect and its applications.

Lecture 05: Studying Young's Double-slit experiment in detail.

Lecture 06: Studying atomic models and comparison of Classical and Quantum results