Quantum Mechanics-II course will enable you to solve the Schrödinger equation on your own for simple systems in one to three dimensions, both analytically and by using robust numerical methods. You will be able to use these solutions to calculate their time evolution, associated probabilities, expectation values, and uncertainties, as well as give concise physical interpretations and reasoning underlying the mathematical results. You will have mastered the concepts of angular momentum and spin, as well as the rules for quantization and addition of these. You can account for the phenomena involved in the Zeeman effect and spin-orbit coupling, what is meant by identical particles and quantum statistics, and you are able to perform calculations on systems of identical particles, for example, to determine the symmetry properties of the wave function and total spin. You can explain the physical properties of elementary particles, nucleons, atoms, molecules, and solids based on quantum mechanics. You will have developed an understanding of why both analytic and numerical solutions are important in quantum mechanics and have acquired experience in using both types of methods on quantum mechanical problems. Time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory, Basic scattering theory,  Applications in nuclear and particle physics, and in neutron and synchrotron light scattering and its importance for modern materials analysis.

Pre-requisite: Quantum Mechanics-I

Recommended Books:

1.       Introductory Quantum mechanics by R.L. Liboff, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Reading Mass. (1980 and later editions).

2.       QUANTUM MECHANICS: Concepts and Applications by Nouredine Zettili, JOHN WILEY & SONS (2001 and later editions)

3.       A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics by J.S. TownsendMcGraw Hill Book Company, Singapore (1992).

4.       Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction by  W. Greiner, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Reading Mass. (1980).

5.       Quantum Mechanics, Classical Results, Modern Systems and visualized Examples  by Richard W. Robinett, Oxford University Press (2006).

6.       Theory of Quantua by Bialynicki-Birula, M. Cieplak & J. Kaminski, Oxford University Press, New York (1992).

7.       Relativistic Quantum Mechanics by W. GreinerSpringer Verlag, Berlin (1990).

8.       Quantum Mechanics by F. Schwabe, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (1992).

9.       Quantum Physics by S. Gasiorowicz, Wiley, (2003).

10.    Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J. Griffiths PRENTICE Hall, Int., Inc, (2005).

Assessment Criteria:

Sessional:                    20 marks (Assignment, quiz, etc)

Mid Term exam:           30 marks

Final exam:                  50 marks


Time of class:

BS 7th Regular       =>      Monday (11:00 - 12:00), Tuesday (11:00 - 12:00), Wednesday (11:00 - 12:00)

BS 7th Self Support   =>      Monday (02:00 - 03:00), Tuesday (02:00 - 03:00), Wednesday (02:00 - 03:00)

MSc 3rd Regular  =>      Monday (03:00 - 04:00), Tuesday (03:00 - 04:00), Wednesday (03:00 - 04:00)

Course Material