Week 09-10

Learning Outcomes:

  • After presenting the formalism of quantum mechanics in the previous lessons, we are now well equipped to apply it to the study of physical problems.
  • Here we apply the Schrödinger equation to one-dimensional problems.
  • These problems are interesting since there exist many physical phenomena whose motion is one dimensional.
  • The application of the Schrödinger equation to one-dimensional problems enables us to compare the predictions of classical and quantum mechanics in a simple setting.
  • In addition to being simple to solve, one-dimensional problems will be used to illustrate some nonclassical effects in these lessons.


Learning Plan:

Lecture 01: Introduction to a one-dimensional(1D) problem

Lecture 02: Studying the properties of 1D problems.

Lecture 03: Discussion of Discrete and continuous spectrums.

Lecture 04:Studying the symmetric potentials and parity.

Lecture 05: Problems

Lecture 06: Free Particle