
Types of verb include,


Main verbs, which are used to express action, that an animal, a person or a thing does. E.g "the sun shines. "Shines" is the main verb.

Helping verb, supports the main verb. E.g "we are learning about helping verbs. "Are" is the helping verb.

Linking verb, links the subject of the sentence and a noun or adjective being linked to it. E.g "The flowers are bright". "Are" is the linking verb.

Transitive verb, expresses an action directed towards a person, place or thing. They receive some action. E.g "Peter cut the cake". The cake is the transitive verb. Transitive verb completes the sense of a sentence and work as an object.

Intransitive verb, doesn't need an object to make complete sense. It expresses an action and can stand alone because its meaning is complete. E.g "The wind blew strongly" blew is an intransitive verb.