Electrocardiogram (ECG) is graphic recording of electrical potential generated due to transmission of depolarization wave (or cardiac impulse) thru heart., and due to its spread into surrounding tissue and body surface, is called ECG.
(1) Site of pace-maker is recorded
(2) Heart rate can be calculated
(3) Rhythm of heart can be recognized
(4) Voltage produced due to potential changes in heart can be calculated.
(5) Helps to diagnose heart diseases.
P Wave
• Produced by atrial depolarization-
QRS Complex
• Produce by ventricular depolarization.
ST Segment and T Wave
• Produced by ventricular repolarization.
At the end of lesson the student should be able to learn about:
- Electrocardiograhic Leads
- The waves of the ECG
- The rate, rythym and should be able to diagnose different heart dieseases.