Course Description:

This course is designed to learn the elements of grammar. We examine sentence structure, correct verb forms, case of pronouns, agreement, punctuation, and restrictive and nonrestrictive (that/which) clauses. In this course, we will explore the fundamental elements and rules of English grammar for the purpose of strengthening students’ abilities to communicate effectively with confidence and clarity. Students will identify and correct errors in order to become astute editors of their own writing and gain an appreciation for how knowledge of grammatical principles and precision may enhance individual style and choice. The course focus is largely practical: Expo E-5 builds on hands-on exercises to achieve mastery of sentence structure and meaning.  Among the areas the class will review are sentence construction, correct verb forms, pronouns, agreement, punctuation, restrictive and non-restrictive cases, parallelism, and logic. Along the way, we learn something of the power and the pleasure of controlling grammar to make our words work for us exactly as we want them to. Short readings illustrate the basic elements and the beauties of grammar and style. Short writing assignments offer students opportunities to practice the lessons of the course.

Recommended Text: Oxford Guide To English Grammar by John Eastwood

Assessment criteria:

Mid Term: 30

Project:     10

Presentation:  05

Participation:  05

Final exam:   50

Class Time: Wednesday to Friday 

BS History (Regular): 11 to 12:00 PM





Course Material