Week 4: Conjunction and Interjection


The conjunction is a part of a speech which joins words, phrases, or clauses together.

Examples of Conjunctions:  and, yet, but, for, nor, or, and so

Sample Sentences:

  • This cup of tea is delicious and very soothing.
  • Kiyoko has to start all over again because she didn’t follow the professor’s instructions.
  • Homer always wanted to join the play, but he didn’t have the guts to audition.

The italicized words in the sentences above are some examples of conjunctions.



This part of a speech refers to words which express emotions. Since interjections are commonly used to convey strong emotions, they are usually followed by an exclamation point.

Examples of Interjections:


Sample Sentences:

  • Ouch! That must have hurt.
  • Hurray, we won!
  • Hey! I said enough!

The bold words attached to the main sentences above are some examples of interjections.

You must familiarize yourself with the different parts of speech discussed in this article because they are among the most fundamental concepts that you will encounter throughout your study of grammar. An in-depth knowledge of this topic will not only make you a better writer, but an effective communicator as well.