1. Introduction to Course: Human resource managemnt is the prctice of managing people to achieve better performance. Objective of this course is to prepare students to gain knowledge in HR field.  
  2. Course Pre-Requisite: Students should know the basic concept of management, HR management, HR strategies, Workforce mobility.
  3. Learning outcomes: After studing this course students will be able to understand the basics of HRM, theory and practice of HRM across workforce planning, ethical and legal frameworks of HRM, employee selection and training & development
  4. Text Book: Human Resource Management by David A decenzo or Human Resource & Personnel by M C Grawhill
  5. PPT/Handouts: Uploaded as lessons

       6.System of evaluation:

Mid Term

Final Term

Sessional Marks

30 %


20%, class attendance (5%), quizzes and assignments (10%), class participation (5%)

7. Lesson Plan:

Week 1.

Concepts of HRM

Week 2.

HR Challenges

Week 3.

HR Functions

Week 4.

Job Design and analysis

Week 5.

An overview of job design

Week 6.

Job analysis, collection of job information

Week 7.

Planning and Recruitment  

Week 8.

Selection procedures

                        Term paper/ Mid term

Week 9.

Significance of human Resource planning, the planning process implementation              

Week 10.


Week 11

Training and Development

Week 12

Methods and evaluation, transfer of training

Week 13

Performance Management

Week 14

Rewards and benefits

Week 15

Employee compensation

8. Date and time of class: Every wednesday and Thursday (8 to 9:30)