Introduction to Course

This course offers students to identify the social, ethical and legal responsibilities of advertising. Main objective of this course are to: make students understand the manipulation of target population’s psychographics in advertising, encourage further interest in advertising studies, familiarize students with basic types and skills in marketing research and appreciate the diversity of modes of advertising and the corresponding manipulation of psychographics

Learning Outcomes

  • To make students understand the manipulation of target population’s psychographics in advertising.
  • To familiarize students with basic types and skills in marketing research.
  • To make students appreciate the diversity of modes of advertising and the corresponding manipulation of psychographic

Recommended Books

McQuarrie, E. F. (1996). The market research toolbox: A concise guide for beginners . London: SAGE Publications.

McDaniel, C. Jr., & Gates, R. (2005). Marketing research essentials. New Jersy: John Wiley & Sons.

Crawford, C. M., & DiBenedetto, C. A. (2005). New product management. (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. 

System of Evaluation 

Mid-term = 30

Final-term = 50

Sessional = 20 (5 class participation, 5 assignment, 10 project)

Total = 100

Course Material