Introduction to Course

The course is designed to provide an introduction to the basic logic of research, its types, functions, literature review, definitions and to train the students for technical tools for going from a hypothesis about the world, to a quantitative empirical statement based on the statistical analysis of experimental data.

Learning Outcomes

  • To learn basic principles of experimental design and scientific method.
  • To give an opportunity to collect data of their own which is relevant to the theories, principles, and concepts.
  • To acquire skill of writing a scientific report of research carried out.

Recommended Books

APA. (2012). Ethical principles in the conduct of research with human subjects.

Washington, DC. Gay, L. R. (2008). Research methods. New York: Wadsworth

Goode, W. J. & Haatt, P. K. (2002). Research methods of behavioral sciences. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Hammond, (2000). Research methods in psychology. New York: Wadsworth Neuman, W. L. (2012). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. 7 th edition, Princeton university Press.

Shaughnessy, J. J., Zechmeister, E. B., & Zechmeister, J. S. (2005). Research methods in psychology. (5th ed.). Singapore: McGraw-Hill.

System of Evaluation 

Mid-term = 30

Final-term = 50

Sessional = 20 (5 class participation, 5 assignment, 10 project)

Total = 100

Course Material