Course Description
The purpose of this course is to evaluate the dynamics of local (national) and international politics associated with South East Asian region. It will encompass major political, economic and security issues of the region. The political development of the countries of South East asia will be covered. The course is also aimed to highlight the policies of major powers towards South East Asian region and their implications. The impacts of growing regionalism will also be analyzed. It will also be helpful in understanding the importance of South East region and future projection of its politics.
Learning outcomes
1.The course is aimed at equipping the students about fundamental political knowledge of Southeast Asian region. They be able to apply it on any issue that take place with regard to regional and international politics
2. Understanding the thematics Political development of different case studies (countries) will enable students to analyse specific country and understand a specific change that take place (if any) during evolution of post-independent politics of each country.
3. Understanding of Key socio-economic issue will help them to view specific development of Southeast asian society and economy.
4. Foreign policy of major power towards this region will be understood in the context of importance of region within global politics.
Course Content / Weekly Plan:
Week 1- Defining Region, Regionalism, An Introduction to theory of regionalism Introduction to Southeast Asia, Evolution of Society
Week 2- Historcial Development of state, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Understanding its Politics
Week 3-4 Malaysian fact file, Pre-Independce political evolution, Post Independent political development, Issues of federation, Foreign policy of Malaysia
Week4-5 Singapore fact file, Pre-Independence political evolution, Post Independent political development, People Action Party and Singapore
Week5-6 Indonesian fact file, Pre-Independence political evolution, Post Independent political development, Challanges to state integrity
Week6-7 East Timor fact file, Road to Independence, Challanges to state survival
Week7-8 Political analysis: Development of Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia: As democratisation Blocked, Economic Development theories, Mid Term Exam
Week 9-10 Asian Financial Crisis 1997, ASEAN, ARF
Week 11-12 US policy towards Southeast Asia during Cold war, US policy in post Cold War era
Week 12-13 Chinese policy towards Southeast Asia during Cold war, China and Southeast Asia in post cold war era
Week 13-14 Contemporary Geo-politics of Southeast Asia, US rebalance to Asia, South China sea dispute
Week 14-15 Phillippines fact file, Political development in post Independent phase, Challanges of radicalaism and terrorism
Week15-16 Vietnam, historical political development, Vietnam war, Vietnam relations with US and China
Marks Distribution
Mid Term Exam/ (Term Paper): 30
Fianl Term Exam: 50
Sessional: 20 (Attendance/Quizz/Class participation & Presentation)
Class Schedule
12:30 - 02:00pm (Tuesday)
02:00 - 03:30pm (wednesday)
1. Southeast Asia: A Political Profile by Damien Kingsbury
2. Pacific Asia: the Politics of Development by Yumei Zhang
3. Politics in Contemporary Southeast Asia: Authority, Democracy and Political Change by Damien Kingsbury
4. International Politics of Asia Pacific by Michael Yahuda