Week 2
Lesson Outcome
Students will be able to understand historical development of Southeast Asian society and its constitutive elements. The cultural development of region throughout ages that differntiate it within intra-regional context as well as, with other regions. How immigration from China and other countries (India and Arab wolrd) impacted its society and to what extent it has impacted modern state of Southeast Asia. The state of religiosity in the regions. Early political development in pre-colonial phase and its impression on contemprary regional politics.
Lesson Key points
Overview of Society, Development of Southeast Asian Society and in pre-Independent era, Features of agro-economic era
Demographic features of southeast asian society, impacts of migration, Pre-Colonial kingdoms SriVijaya and Majaphit,
An overview of specific political dictionary of Southeast Asia, defining Mandals, Imperia and polity
An overivew of concept of state, ideology and nationalism
An overview of Colonialism in Southeast Asia