Course Description

This course is aimed at deliberating and explaining dominanat ideologies of Political Science as subject. The core ideological foundation is explained from philosophical standpoint to political action. Different variances that exist within basic ideological realm, their characteristics,their strength and weaknesses is also explained in the course. The basic objective of the study of political ideology is to reflect the position of man in a society, understanding and defining key aspects like liberty, justice etc with an intent of generating vision for society and taking the course of political action.

Learning Outcomes

After the completion of this course students will able to understand the premises of different political ideologies including Liberalism, Socialism, Conservatism, Anarchism, Nationalism, Feminism, Multicultralism etc. How ideas gets translated into political actions. They will also be able to differntiate between major schisms and modern research project within domain of political ideologies.

Course Content / Weekly Plan:

Week 1- Defining the Term Ideology, Role of Ideas, Contours of Ideology, Ideology, Truth and Power

Week 2- Types of Ideologies, Left, Right and Center Debate, Old and New Ideologies, Views about Ideologies

Week 3-4 Basic Premise of Socialsm, Origin and Development, No Man is an Island, Road to Socialism, Communism, Social Democracy, Socialism in Global age

Week4-5 Basic Premise of Liberalism, Origin and Development, Individualism, Government and Democracy, Types of Liberalism, Age of Globalization

Week5-6 Basic Premise of Conservatism, Origin and Development, Core theme: Desire to Conserve, Authoritarian Conservatism, Paternalistic Conservatism, Libertarian conservatism, Christian Democracy, Coservatism in Global age

Week6-7 Basic Premise of Nationalism, Origin and Development, Patriotism: Love for the Country, Types of Nationalism, Impact of Global Age

Week7-8 Basic Premise of Anarchism, Origin and Development, Core theme: against statist politics (Review of Mid Term Course

Week 9-10 Types of Anarchism: Collective and Individualistic, Roads to anarchy, context of anarchy in Global age

Week 11-12 Basic Premise of Fascism, Origin and Development, Core Themes, Facism and state, Fascism and racism, Facsism and Globalization

Week 12-13 Basic Premise of Feminism, Origin and Development, Politics of Personal, Types of Feminism, Waves of Feminism and Global age.

Week 13-14 Basic Premise of Green Ideology, Origin and Development, Naturalism and Return to Nature, Types of Green ideology, ecological politics in Global age.

Week 14-15 Basic Premise of Multiculturalism, Origin and Development, Diversity and Unity, Types of Multiculturalism

Week15-16 Critiques on Multiculturalism, Ideology without End, Course Review


Marks Distribution

Mid Term Exam/ (Term Paper in case Online Mode of Examination): 30 Marks

Fianl Term Exam: 50 Marks (Traditional Mode)-- or-- 25 Marks Objective type+ 25 Marks Viva Voice (In Case Online Method)

Sessional: 20 (Attendance/Quizz/Class participation & Presentation)


Class Schedule

09:30 - 11:00am (Monday)

09:30 - 11:00pm (Tuesday)



Andrew Heywood, Political Ideologies-An Introduction, 2017. (Recommended Book)

Lyman Tower Sargent, Contemporary Political Ideologies 2009 (Additional Text)

Course Material