Course Description

The course is designed to provide the students with an introduction to the mainstream, as well as critical approaches to the study of Political Economy (IPE), Comparative Political Economy, Role of Market nad its impact on policy making and Vice Versa. The course also incorporates emerging literature on Globalization and World Trade Organization. Economics and Politics are separate domains of social sciences; this course aims to present the logic and efficacy of developing an inter-subjectivity of the two disciplines.

Learning Outcome

After the completion of this course, students will be able to understand premises of classical and contemporary theories of International Political Economy including Mercantilism, Liberalism, Marxism, Dual Economy, Hegemonic stability and Modern World System Theory. Students will also understand operations of Market, its impact on policy making and vice versa, working of International Monetary System, Politics of International trade. This will give them ability to analyze political policy of states and impacts of Multinationals companies, as well as, conducting relevant cases studies.

Course Content / Weekly Plan:

Week 1- Defining the Term International Political Economy, Role and Importance of Market, Importance of Political Economy in IR

Week 2- Nature and  Scope of Political Economy, Basic Economic Concepts

Week 3-4 Basic concepts of Economics, Chronological Development of Global politics,

Week4-5 Basic Premise of Mercantilism, Types of Mercantilism, Relevance with Today's World, Protectionist Policies and their Impacts

Week5-6 Core Ideas of theories of Liberalism, Origin and Development Types of Liberalism, Concept of Interdependence,

Week6-7 Basic Premise of Marxism, Origin and Development, Socialism and Global age

Week7-8 Critiques of Classical theory, Introduction to Monetary System and its Evolution

Week 9-10 Gold standard, Interwar Period Monetary system, Bretton Woods System,

Week 11-12 American Hegemony and Collpase of Bretton Woods System, Theory of Dual economy

Week 12-13 Hegemonic Stability Theory, Modern World System Theory

Week 13-14 Politics of International Trade, GATT, World Trade Orgainzation and its Issues, Rise of Multinational Companies and their impacts

Week 14-15 Concept of Globalization, Types and Criticism

Week15-16 An Overview of New theories, Overview of Postwar Monetary Order, Introduction to Functionalism and Neo Functionalism


Marks Distribution

Mid Term Exam/ (Term Paper in case Online Mode of Examination): 30 Marks

Fianl Term Exam: 50 Marks (Traditional Mode)-- or-- 25 Marks Objective type+ 25 Marks Viva Voice (In Case Online Method)

Sessional: 20 (Attendance/Quizz/Class participation & Presentation)


Class Schedule (BSIR-5th)

03:30 - 05:00pm (Monday)

03:30 - 05:00pm (Tuesday)



Robert Gilpin, The Political Economy of International Relations

Robert Gilpin, Understanding International Economic Order

Course Material