Course Description

This course is aimed at elaborating foreign policies of UK and USA. The importance of UK as an ex-Great Power and USA as contemporary Super Power is elaborated in context of International Politics. The foreign policy making process, key interests of both countries is also highlighted. The major decisions of respective governments is explained in chronologial order. In addition to historic evolution, the study of foreign policy is also based on thematic classifications. The impact of foriegn policy decisions of the two countries on global politics is also explained.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, students will be able to evaluate and analyze the decision making process of the two countries. Students will also have the knowledge of key decision taken by these countries at important juncture of political history of the world. They will also assess goals and objectives of these two countries and issues related to their respective foreign policies.

Course Content / Weekly Plan:

Week 1- Introduction to US Foreign Policy, Importance of US in World Politics, Types of Powerful countries

Week 2- Foreign Policy Making Models, Role of President and Congress in Foreign Policy process

Week 3-4 Role and Importance of Values and Tradition in American Foreign Policy, Overview of Nineteenth Century US Policy, Isolationism in US Foreign Policy

Week4-5 US Foreign Policy during Interwar Period, Wilsonian Idealism to Limited engagement

Week5-6 Realism and US Foreign Policy, US Policy during Cold War, Interventionist Approach and Provision of Global Leadership

Week6-7 Truman Doctrine, Containment Policy and Its implication on Domestic and International environment, Security Pacts and Alliances, Wars (Truman, Eisenhover, Kennedy)

Week7-8 Patterns of engagement During Cold War, From Heightened Tension to Detente policy (Johnson, Nixon, Ford).

Week 9-10 Approaching the end of Cold War (Carter, Regan and George H W Bush)

Week 11-12 US and Post Cold War International Order (Clinton years)

Week 12-13 US and Global war on terror, US and China, Pivot to Asia policy (George W Bush, and Obama Years)

Week 13-14 The Making of British Foreign Policy, Role of Prime Minister, Cabinet and British Legislature

Week 14-15 British Foreign Policy during Interwar Period, End of British Empire

Week15-16 Britain During Cold war, Britain and Europe, Introduction to British foreign policy in 21st Century, Brexit.


Marks Distribution

Mid Term Exam/ (Term Paper in case Online Mode of Examination): 30 Marks

Fianl Term Exam: 50 Marks (Traditional Mode)-- or-- 25 Marks Objective type+ 25 Marks Viva Voice (In Case Online Method)

Sessional: 20 (Attendance/Quizz/Class participation & Presentation)


Class Schedule

12:30 - 02:00pm (Monday)

12:30 - 02:00pm (Tuesday)



James M. McCormick, American Foreign policy & Process

Mark Garnett, British Foreign Policy since 1945


Course Material