Week 01-02 (Crystal Structure)

Learning Outcomes:

Students should gain basic knowledge of solid-state physics. This implies that the student will:
- be able to account for interatomic forces and bonds
- have a basic knowledge of crystal systems and spatial symmetries

Lesson Plan:

Lecture 01: Introduction to the "Solid State Physics"; Introduction to the course contents and parts of the course, Benefits of studying this course.

Lecture 02: Detailed discussion on materials and their types.

  • Crystalline Solids

  • Amorphous Solids etc.

Lecture 03: Discussion on Crystal structure in 2D and 3D, fundamental types of lattices.

Lecture 04: Simple crystal structures

Lecture 05: Index system for crystal planes

Lecture 06: Studying index system for crystal planes in detail and applying it for various crystallographic systems.