Universal declaration of Human rights 1948 article 1 to 15

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 
remains as relevant today as it was on the day in 
1948 that it was proclaimed and adopted by the 
United Nations General Assembly. The extraordi-
nary vision and resolve of the drafters produced 
a document that, for the first time, articulated the 
rights and freedoms to which every human being 
is equally and inalienably entitled. 
Now available in more than 360 languages, the 
Declaration is the most translated document in 
the world — a testament to its global nature and 
reach. It has become a yardstick by which we 
measure right and wrong. It provides a founda-
tion for a just and decent future for all, and has 
given people everywhere a powerful tool in the 
fight against oppression, impunity and affronts 
to human dignity.