Sequencing and Organization of Laboratory Activities

In laboratory organization, after setting the aims and objectives  and identifying the teaching strategies the next step is to give logical sequence to various activities of the laboratory.


In this unit, you will go through a number of principles of sequencing the teaching plan and strategies. These plans will be organized to provide coherent and scientifically sound learning experiences for the students. For this purpose, some of the prominent organizing patterns that can be applied to the laboratory work have been described in this unit. Moreover, some factors affecting the sequencing likewise pro-requisites, motivation and interest have been given in details. In organizing student’s activity, the pre-laboratory and post-laboratory activities have got special focus in this unit.




After reading this unit, it is hoped that you will be able to:

  1. comprehend the principles for sequencing laboratory works
  2. know and apply the strategies for sequencing the laboratory activities
  3. familiarize with the factors influencing sequencing laboratory work
  4.  organize the students activities