Time management

Time management is commonly defined as the various means by which people effectively use their time
and other closely related resources in order to make the most out of it.
Benefits of Time Management:
The main benefit of effective time management is that it can drastically improve the quality of your life.
Let's look at a few common problems that can be solved with effective time management.
· Reduce frustration and Anxiety
Many of the frustrating situations can be avoided with effective planning and organizing
techniques. When you have overcome frustration, it is a lot easier to release the full power of your
creativity and productivity.
· Get a sense of achievement and piece of mind
Much of dissatisfaction and anxiety comes from that you are not sure where you are going, or you
feel like you are going nowhere. Effective time management includes smart goal setting
techniques, which will help you to realize where you are going and to see the optimal path there.
· Open yourself to more satisfaction
We are often burdened by subconscious guilt for those undone things we think we should be doing
or should have done. With effective time management you learn to overcome procrastination and
you learn to prioritize. This will keep you feeling that you did most of the important things you
possibly could do. That makes you more confident and decisive in your choices, leaving less space
for guilt or unsatisfaction.
· Increase your energy level
The undone things circulating in your mind cost you much more time and energy than the things
you have done or are doing. With effective time management you get organized and unclutter your
mind from those energy drains of unhandled things and "unfinished businesses". You will
experience much higher energy level.
· Get more of quality time
There are many things that don't get you much forward, but you still have to do them to survive.
Take eating for example. Those maintenance tasks are a significant part of your total time
spendings. Learn how to organize them more efficiently and you will get more time for making
progress or enjoying life.
Time management tools:
Time management starts with the commitment to change. Time management is easy as long as you
commit to action. You can train others and improve your own time management through better planning;
prioritising; delegating; controlling your environment; understanding yourself and identifying what you
will change about your habits, routines and attitude, conditioning, or re-conditioning your environment.
Keys to Successful Time Management
· Self knowledge and goals: In order to manage your time successfully, having an awareness of
what your goals are will assist you in prioritizing your activities.
· Developing and maintaining a personal, flexible schedule: Time management provides you with
the opportunity to create a schedule that works for you, not for others. This personal attention gives
you the flexibility to include the things that are most important to you.
Strategies on using Time:
· Develop blocks of study time
· Schedule weekly reviews and updates
· Prioritize assignments
· When studying, get in the habit of beginning with the most difficult subject or task
· Develop alternative study places free from distractions
· to maximize concentration
· Use your time wisely
· Think of times when you can study "bits" as when walking, riding the bus, etc.
· Review studies and readings just before class
· Review lecture material immediately after class (Forgetting is greatest within 24 hours without
· Schedule time for critical course events Papers, presentations, tests, etc.