Change focus – look for the positive - Most people find what they are looking for. If they are looking for
friendship, happiness and the positive, that is what they get. If they are looking for fights or indifference,
then that is what they get.
Step 2:
Make a habit of doing it now - Life is not a dress rehearsal. I don't care what philosophy you believe in--
we have got only one shot at this game called life. The stakes are too high. The stakes are the future
Step 3:
Develop an attitude of gratitude - Count your blessings, not your troubles
Step 4:
Get into a continuous education program - Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no
time left to criticize others.
Step 5:
Build a positive self-esteem - If you want to build positive self-esteem quickly, one of the fastest ways is
to do something for others who cannot repay you in cash or kind.
Step 6:
Stay away from negative influences - A person’s character is not only judged by the company he keeps,
but also by the company he avoids.
Step 7:
Learn to like the things that need to be done - Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible,
and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --St. Francis of Assisi
Step 8:
Start your day with a positive - "If you are going to change your life, you need to start immediately and
do it flamboyantly."
Our attitude is a result of deliberate action. We choose the ways we respond to difficulties in our lives.
That’s not to say that some situations are going to be more difficult than others, but there are steps we can
take to help maintain a positive attitude.
1. Know what is important
We often expend emotional energy on things that, if we stopped and thought about them, are not all that
important to us. Take time to clarify your personal beliefs and mission. Then, stop worrying about those
things that are not important in the overall scheme of your life.
2. Look after your physical wellbeing
Exercise, eating well, getting enough sleep can all contribute to a good attitude. If you feel good
physically, it’s easier to reflect a positive attitude. Even something as simple as a haircut or a new outfit
can give a mental boost and help you feel confident.
3. Give it away
Possibly the best way to build and maintain a good attitude is by sharing with others. I don’t know how
many times, at the end of a tough work day, doing something with or for others has boosted my attitude.
Whether choirs practice, visiting someone in hospital or having coffee with friends, time spent with others
can have a positive impact on my state of mind.
4. Get rid of the unnecessary
It seems the more complex our lives become, the more ways we have to worry about things going wrong.
I’ve known people who become so caught up in their possessions that they never seem to enjoy what they
have. Or, those who spend so much time trying to keep up with the neighbours, that they get no pleasure
from what they already have. Simplify your life and you’ll find your attitude improving.
5. Look at the funny side
Humour and attitude are closely related. People with good attitudes tend to have a good sense of humour.
Instead of focusing on the loss in a robbery, someone with a good sense of humour phones her husband
and says, “ We finally got rid of that ugly lamp your Aunt gave us as a wedding gift!”
6. Play to your strengths
We all have things that make us feel good. Make regular time for those things. It might be listening to
music, reading a book, talking a bath, or going for a walk. Whatever boosts your attitude, make it a part of
your routine.
7. Build your buffers
There are going to be times when things happen that are beyond our own ability to manage. Rather than
allowing them to pull us down, turn to outside sources for support. Talking to friends, meeting with a
counsellor or a minister, meditation and prayer can all help us through difficult times. Build an external
support system