Small business for rural women

Small business for rural women

The rural women are the essential force development of the country. It comprises of more than one quarter of the word population. As the rural women of Pakistan play an inspiring role in the Agriculture sincerely. She looks up for all the operations from crop management up to rice husking. It could be appreciated on her helping role in village environment, the involvement of rural women in off-farm and in-form activities is another aspect in rural community through entrepreneurship. Women are also taking a part in poultry farming at grass root level. The main focus of this study is to know the problems hampering in their way of entrepreneur .and serving of their capabilities in Agriculture sector.

Role of Pakistan women in agriculture:

The women play a vital role in agriculture system of Pakistan. The women are real motivators behind the men for carrying out their field operations. They are performing their duty and task with duality both at home and in the field. In home they have to look after their children, husband and other households on punctuality.

                               Out of total women labour force,72% of women are linked with agriculture sector .in cottage industries, livestock rearing and agriculture production, they get indulged themselves throughout the day. the routine activities are water fetching, fuel wood collection and child care .In the majority of field preparation ,the hoeing is basically done by women .after the harvesting activity the crop handpicking ,washing, storing in case of veggies ,fruits and cotton is performed by short female labour .men are in involved in crop production and women support by land preparation ,sowing ,fooder cutting threshing ,processing and selling .While at time of cotton harvesting, it’s very tough for women to take ensured care of their children due to some allergic problems from cotton field .men have to deal with market outputs ,and women with inside operations. but tend is changing in Punjab, the women are becoming independent due to their income from entrepreneurships. here are some small businesses carried by rural women.

Ø  Crafting

Ø  Cloth stitching/Designing

Ø  Wood work

Ø  Pot making of clay

Ø  Jewelry designing

Problems faced by Rural women in Entrepreneurship:

 Non recognition of women Contribution:

                        In rural areas, a rural; women are restricted out of the four wall boundaries and free interaction with the opposite sex or outsider is not allowed. This restricted mobility of rural women causes problems in getting the farming techniques practically.

Lack of Access to education and health services:

                            The limited role of women curtailed to household and farm, her access to getting education and health care is null. State inheritance is not practiced and they usually married in the families to save the land. It is the peak of injustice in the country.

Nutrition practices preventing improvement in Women’s health:

                              Women’s low dietary intake and poor nutritional status, this negligence ensure the better food intake of her family member’s. The poor income and bad socio economic problems are responsible for incomplete nutritional needs.

Constraints in access to Agriculture Extension:

                         The livestock extension services and Agriculture   have not   a good access for rural women. The men are fully independent and only allowed to contact with the concern person

 Plan of Action:

         As a human being it is the right, of every person to live freely and independently. But it is not followed freely in rural areas of Pakistan. Women are forced to live inside; their natural capabilities are rusted in that way. they are failed to carry their small business, This is simply the violation of their rights and moral values .So by considering this issue their must be the adoption of fair free policies by the government of Pakistan. here are some Stratagies;

1.      Development of discrimination free services in the villages for women.

2.      Permission by Government to run small enterprise freely

3.      Training program should be launched for women

4.      Eradication of barriers in the involvement of women  in the industry

5.      Women empowerment techniques should be introduced by Government.

6.      Enhancement role of extension workers.

7.      Availability of frequent health care services for the safety of women.

8.      The problem of micro credit, complex loan procedure should be consider seriously.


As we know that Pakistan is a country with remarkable land .but the problem arises when the conjusted mentality of a common people of rural area show restrictive attitude for her woman to take part in farming activities of outdoor .Their are certain problems like lack of gender analysis ,gender bling programs are failed to launhced in villages.

·         Build on an enabling environment for women.

·         Strengthen the networking and women advocacy for women’s entrepreneurship.

·         The linkages should be formed between rural and urban women entrepreneurship employees.

·         The social security schemes  for women and cash benefits for maternity leave must be focused and ensured. The child care arrangements so the women should not be interrupted in her work.

·         Domestic violence should be stopped and discrimination should not be the part of any business selection.