Week 10: Cytoskeleton in Cell Cycle and Mitosis
Cytoskeleton, a system of filaments or fibres that is present in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. The cytoskeleton organizes other constiteunts of the cell, maintains the cell’s shape, and is responsible for the locomotion of the cell itself and the movement of the various organelles within it. The filaments that comprise the cytoskeleton are so small that their existence was only discovered because of the greater resolving power of the electron microscope.
- Cell Biology; Cytology, Biomolecules & Molecular Biology by P S VERMA, V K AGRWAL & S CHAND
Course Material
- Week 1: Introduction of Prokaryotes and Eukaryote Cell, Animal and Plant Cell Structure
- Week 2: Brief Description of Ultra-structure and Functions of Plant Cell Organelles Endomembranous System
- Week 3: Cell Cycle and Cell Division; Meiosis in Sexual Reproduction in Plants
- Week 4: Cellular Metabolism
- Week 5: Enzymes
- Week 6: Cellular Respiration
- Week 7: Photosynthesis
- Week 8: Biological Informational Flow; Transcription and Translation
- Week 9: Informational Molecules; Carbohydrates, Protein and Nucleic acid
- Week 10: Cytoskeleton in Cell Cycle and Mitosis
- Week 11 Extracellular Matrix; Various Types of Extra-cellular Matrix Proteins; Elastic Fibronectin, Glycoprotein, Collagen, Dyanin and Motor Proteins:
- Week 12: Vesicular Trafficking, Cell Migration, Cell Adhesion
- Week 13: Cancer Growth Factors, Disorders in Cell cycle
- Week 14: Apoptosis and Gap Junction
- Week 15: Assignment + Presentation + Panaflex of Biological system+ Quiz(5+5+5+5)
- Week 16: Lab Manual
- Chapters 16
- Department Biological Sciences(SCB)
- Teacher
Irum Waheed