Tree Decline:
Description and Importance:
- Decline: Decline is term used to describe a tree that is generally deteriorating
- Serious threat to timber & fruit tree plants
- cause losses up to 50 %
- More prevalent in Shisham, Guava, Mango
- Fusarium solani
- Botryodiplodia theobromae
- Phytophthora cinnamomi
- Leaves from the top start to become yellow
- Sometimes single branch show the decline symptoms first, some time whole plant
- Vigour of the tree is retarded*(stunted growth)
- Internal infected part of the tree show brown to gray discoloration
- Roots become black & rotten*(disintegration of cells due to pathogenic attack followed by release fluid)
- Apply balanced nutrition to the trees
- Avoid to grow crops in mango & guava orchards
- Avoid injury to the roots of the plants
- Apply irrigation water separately to each tree by making trench around the tree
- Apply Ridomil + Ca(OH)2 mixture at collar region of the tree
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Course Material
- Stem or Black Rust of Wheat
- Leaf or Brown Rust of Wheat
- Yellow or Stripe Rust of Wheat
- Brown Leaf Spot of Rice:
- Rice Blast
- Foot Rot (Bakanae Disease of Rice)
- Early Blight of Potato:
- Late Blight of Potato:
- Red Rot of Sugarcane:
- Tree Decline:
- Citrus Withertip
- Powdery Mildew of Mango
- Gram Blight
- Wheat Smut
- Old Bunt of Wheat
- New Bunt of Wheat (Karnal Bunt of Wheat)
- Difference between old and new bunt
- Principals of Plant Disease Management
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 6
- Exercise 7
- Exercise 8
- Exercise 9
- Exercise 10
- Exercise 11
- Exercise 12
- Exercise 13
- Exercise 14
- Exercise 15
- Chapters 33
- Department College of Agriculture
- Teacher
Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan