Leaf or Brown Rust of Wheat
Leaf (Brown) Rust of Wheat:
- Most prevalent*(found frequent occurrence) where dews are common
- Disease severity increases prior to heading
- Early infection results in weak plants, poor roots & tiller formation.
- Appears in February after yellow rust.
- Leaf rust causes damage by reducing number of kernels per head and kernel size.
- Cause losses up to 50% in severe cases.
- Estimated losses over $350 million in USA alone.
Causal organism: Puccinia recondita f.s.p. tritici
Order: Uredinales
Family: Puccinaceae
- Pustules have uredia that develop as points of bright orange color on leaves.
- Spots are rare on sheath & stalk.
- These pustule are bigger in size than of yellow rust, scattered irregularly.
- Infected plants take longer time to produce mature ears*(grain bearing part).
- Rust pustules can be distinguished from other leaf spot diseases by rubbing finger on leaf surface.
Disease cycle:
- Uredia*(sac like structure that bears urediniospores) over seasons on volunteer plants.
- Alternate host Thallactrum flavum (bushy plant) also harbors fungal spores.
- Aeciospores from alternate host dispersed by wind.
- Free water on leaf & 18.3-23.9°C favors the spore germination.
- Destruction of alternate host.
- Use fungicides i.e. carbendazim, propiconazole, difenoconazole.
- Sow resistant varieties i.e. Anaj 2017 and Akbar 2019.