This course offers an introduction to the basic nature of society and the relationship between society and the individual. This course focuses on how society functions and is organized, and how society impacts and influences individual motivation, understanding, action, and well-being. Basic sociological ideas regarding social relations, social interaction, social structure, and social change are examined. Students are introduced to key issues addressed by contemporary sociologists; class, race, gender, sexuality, religion, globalization, education, health care, crime, the media, and the environment. The knowledge gained in this course will aid students in future studies within a variety of fields and careers, and encourage the development of critical thinking about important issues.

Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

 - Identify how the sociological perspective illuminates understanding.

 - Discuss specific areas of study within sociology.

 - Synthesize the local and global nature and impacts of social circumstances.

 - Critically examine theoretical perspectives and be able to apply them to current issues.

 - Evaluate ideas and debates using the sociological perspective.

Course Material