Introduction to course:
This is the sub discipline of geology which deals with the study of the chemical composition of the earth and its rocks and minerals. This course is designed to acquire the knowledge about the distribution of elements in minerals and rocks and their dispersion in different environments. This will help the students in learning the geochemical characteristic of various rocks and their role in mineral exploration. One of the goals of geochemistry is to determine the abundance of elements in nature, as this information is essential to hypotheses development about the origin and structure of our planet and the universe. An element is material which has a particular kind of atom with specific electronic structure and nuclear charge, factors that determine their abundance in the rocks. Regarding distribution, it can only have direct evidence on the composition of the Earth's crust and indirect on the mantle and core. Course contents include: Development of geochemistry as a discipline, composition of meteorites, origin and cosmic abundance of elements, geochemical structure of the earth, geochemical classification of elements, polymorphism and pseudomorphism, geochemical cycle, mobility and dispersion of elements under different geochemical environments, introduction to geochemistry of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, geochemical anomalies and their application in mineral exploration, introduction to geochemical analytical techniques, introduction to organic geochemistry, organic matter, types, and its importance in petroleum industry.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this course students will be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding related to composition of meteorites, geochemical classification of elements, geochemical cycles on the earth and role of elements in petroleum industry..
Students will also learn and understand different geochemical and analytical techniques.
Text Books:
1. Hugh Rollinson, 1995. Using Geochemical Data: Evolution, Presentation, and Interpretation.
2. McSween, H. Y., Jr, Richardson, S.M. and Uhle, M. E., (Latest Edition), Geochemistry, Pathways and Processes, Columbia University Press, New York.
3. Francis Albarède, 2009. Geochemistry an introduction, Francis Albarède Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon Institut Universitaire de France.
Course Start Date: January 13, 2020
Course End Date: May 08, 2020
Class Timing:
Thusday: 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Friday: 09:00 - 11:00 AM
Assessment Criteria:
Sessional: 20 (Presentation + Participation + Assignments)
Midterm exam: 30
Final exam: 50
Total: 100
75 % attendance is must for the students to appear in exam of Midterm and final
Monthly attendance will informed to students
Students are required be attentive in class
Sessional marks would only be given according to the assigned criteria