Stratigraphy of Pakistan  (GEOL-7143)

Classification and nomenclature of stratigraphic rock units. Stratigraphic code of Pakistan. Stratigraphic provinces and Basins of Pakistan. Outlines of stratigraphy of Salt Range, Trans Indus Ranges, Hazara, Kalachitta, Kirther Range, Suleman Range, Kshmir and Peshawar Basins. Stratigraphic correlation of different basins of Pakistan.
Learning Outcomes:

This course is designed to acquire the knowledge about the various stratigraphic successions formed during different geologic time. This will help the student to understand the stratigraphic set up of various regions, especially Pakistan.

Text Books:

  1. Weller.J.M,1962, Principle of Stratigraphy, Harper Brother.
  2. Shah.S.I. 2009, Stratigraphy of Pakistan. volume 22, Geological Survey of Pakistan.
  3. Shah.S.I. 1977, Stratigraphy of Pakistan volume12, Geological Survey of Pakistan.
  4. Boggs, S. 2001, Principle of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Prientice Hall.
  5. Kadri, I. B. (1995). Petroleum geology of Pakistan: Pakistan Petroleum Limited Karachi.

Assesment Criteria:


Sessional: 20 [ Presentation + Assignments+ Attendence)

Midterm exam: 30

Final exam: 50

Course Material