Objectives of the course:
This is a course in advanced abstract algebra, which builds on the concepts learnt in Algebra I. The objectives of the course are to introduce students to the basic ideas
and methods of modern algebra and enable them to understand the idea of a ring and an integral domain, and be aware of examples of these structures in mathematics; appreciate and be able to prove the basic results of ring theory; appreciate the significance of unique factorization in rings and integral domains
Recommended Books:
1. Galllian J. A. Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 8th Ed, 2013.
2. Rose J. A Course on Group Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1978.
3. Herstein I. N. Topics in Algebra, 2nd Ed., Xerox Publishing Company, 1964.
4. Cohn P. M. Algebra, John Wiley and Sons, London, 1974.
5. Bhattacharya P. B, Jain S. K. and Nagpaul S. R. Basic Abstract Algebra,
Cambridge University Press, 1986.
6. Fraleigh J. B. A First Course in Abstract Algebra, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, 2002.
7. Vivek Sahai and Vikas Bist. Algebra, Narosa Publishing House, 1999
Assessment Criteria
Sessional: 20(presentation10/Assignment05/Attendence05)
Mid Term:30