This course aims at developing the professional skills of an ESP practitioner among the students. The students will be provided opportunities to practically apply their knowledge of important procedures as needs analysis, materials, evaluation, designing, and adaptation. Besides, this course attempts at keeping the students abreast of the latest ESP theory and practice.
Course design refers to the planning and structuring of a course to achieve the needed goals. It is the outcome of a number of elements: the result of the needs analysis, the course designer's approach to syllabus and methodology, and existing materials (Robinson: 1991).In the same vein, Hutchinson and Waters (1987:65) have defined a course as “An integrated series of teaching-learning experiences, whose ultimate aim is to lead the learners to a particular state of knowledge.”
Munby continues by saying (1978:2) ESP courses are: “Those where the syllabus and the materials are determined by the prior analysis of the communication needs of the learner.”This means that the identification of learners' needs is the first step upon which the ESP course is going to be designed.
Timetable: Mondays and Tuesdays
From 0530 to 0500 pm.
Midterm: 30 marks
Final term: 50 marks
Sessional Marks: 20
(those will include, assignment, presentations, and viva-voce exams