This course provides concepts related to program evaluation. At the completion of this course the students will be able to: 

  1. Define basic concepts of evaluation
  2. Identify the types and forms of evaluation
  3. Analyze various evaluation techniques
  4. Develop plan for evaluation


During this course the students will learn about program evaluation. They will also learn different forms of program evaluation and their types. The students will also learn how to conduct data collection methods for evaluation. This course will equip students to conduct evaluation of any program especially agricultural extension program.


  • Bashir, E. (Ed.) 2005. Extension Methods. National Book Foundation, Islamabad.
  • Wholey, J. S. Harty, H. P., and newcomer, K. E. (Editors). 2004. Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation. Jossey-Bass Publishers, USA.
  • Worthen, B. R., Sanders, J. R., and Fitzpatrik, J. L. 2003. Program Evaluation: Alternative approaches and practical guidelines (3rd Edition). Allyn& Bacon, USA.
  • David, R.; Bruce, T and Deborah, P.  Programme Evaluation: An introduction (5th Edition). Wads Worth publishers: USA.
  • Mertens, D. M and Wilson, T. 2012. Programme Evaluation Theory and Practice. Guilford publications, New York


Sessional marks= 12

Mid term marks= 18

Final term marks= 30

Practical marks= 20

Time Table 

MONDAY 10:30-11:20
TUESDAY 11:20-12:10
WEDNESDAY 11:20-12:10
THURSDAY 9:40-11:20

Course Material