Organic Chemistry (CHEM -5103)
Introduction to course
Course pre-requisites (if any)
Learning outcomes
Textbooks to be used for the course
Description of system of Evaluation (Exam, assignments etc)
Detailed lesson plans for each lecture (Weekly/Week wise)
Week 1
Atomic, molecular and hybrid orbitals: multiple localized and delocalized bonds, properties of bonds; inductive; effect dipole moment. The concept of resonance, rules for resonance; resonance energy; steric inhibition of resonance
Week 2
Hyperconjugation; Resonance effect; hydrogen bonding; Tautomerism Introduction to resonance, rules for resonance, resonance energy, steric inhibition of resonance
Week 3
Introduction to spectroscopy with special reference to ultraviolet / visible and infrared spectroscopy
Week 4
Classification of hydrocarbons. Nomenclature, Methods of preparations,
physical characteristics and chemical reactions of alkanes, Cycloalkanes, Alkenes and alkynes
Week 5
Source of aromatic hydrocarbons. Structure of benzene and the concept of aromatics hydrocarbons. Structure of benzene and the concept of aromaticity, Aromatic electrophilic substitution
Week 6
Conformational Analysis of ethane and butane. Optical Isomerism. Optical activity, chiral carbon atom and optical isomerism; relative and absolute configuration, creation of chiral carbon and racemization
Week 7
Elements of symmetry; resolution of racemic mixture. Geometrical Isomerism, cis/trans isomerism, designation of configuration, Determination of configuration
Week 8
Nomenclature, methods of preparation and chemical reactions with special reference to nucleophilic substitution and elimination reaction of alkyl halides. Nomenclature, methods of preparation and chemical reactions with special reference to nucleophilic substitution and elimination reaction of alkyl halides
Week 9
Mid – Term Examination
Week 10
Preparations, structure and synthetic applications of Grignard’s reagents
Week 11
Nature of hydroxyl group in alcohols and phenols. Alcohols: Classification and nomenclature of alcohols; methods of preparation and chemical reactions of alcohols; distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols. Polyhydric alcohols
Week 12
Phenols: Methods of preparation of phenols; acidity of phenols; chemical reactions of phenols
Week 13
Ethers: Methods of preparation and reactions of ethers, .Nature of carbonyl group and its reactivity; nomenclature of aldehydes and ketones
Week 14
Nature of carbonyl group and its reactivity; nomenclature of aldehydes and ketones, Methods of preparation of aldehydes and ketones
Week 15
Chemical reactions of aldehydes and ketones; distinction between aldehydes and ketones. Nomenclature of carboxylic acids. Methods of preparation and chemical reactions of carboxylic acids, strength of carboxylic acids and the factors affecting it
Week 16
Methods of preparation and chemical reactions of amines. Distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary amines
Week 17
Basicity of aliphatic and aromatic amines and factors affecting it. Preparation and reactions of aniline. Diazzonium Salts and their synthetic applications
Week 18
Final Term Examination
Key dates and time of class meetings