One of the reasons for the deteriorating standard of legal Profession is the the people joining this profession are unaware of the pre-requisites of the profesion. This course is aimed at to this end . It enables the students to know about different Bar Councils,their working , membership and election etc. It also contains guide lines for the prospective lawyers after successful completion of the course , the law students while joining legal profession will prove a valuable addition to this profession.O This course is aimed at to this end . It enables the students to know about different Bar Councils,their working , membership and election etc. It also contains guide lines for the prospective lawyers after successful completion of the course , the law students while joining legal profession will prove a valuable addition to this profession.
Learning outcomes
It helps the prospective lawyers to learn their professional code of conduct and etiquettes. It contanis a complete gudie line regarding the regularoty bodies of laweyrs in the country like Pakistan Bar Council and other provincial and national bar councils . It helps to improve the overall standards of the profession of legal fraternity by making them aware and following the core values of the profession.
Course Contents
Recommended Books :
Schdule of Class
Tuesday : 9:30- 10:30
Friday : 10:00- 11:00
Evaluation Criteria
Mid- term 30 Marks
Final-term 50 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks ( Quizz, assignment, Viva voce)