This  course introduces basic concepts of Law of Torts. Law of Torts deals with the rights and obligations of the parties arising out of civil wrongs. This course is divided into two modules i.e. Law of Torts-I and Law of Torts- II. This module of Law of Torts-I  aims at enabling the aspirants to learn basic principles regarding private right in rem  apart from contractual and other equitable rights and obligation. It deals with detail study of basic principles of Law of Torts, its nature,certain civil wrongs in its ambit and the remedies accordingly. The study of course wil be supplemented by commentries of notable jurists and the analysis of the leading cases. 

Recommended Books 

1. Law of Torts by Ratanlal and Dhirajlal revised by Justice G. P Singh (2016)

2. Law of Torts by Sir Frederick Pollock ( 4th Edition 2008)

3. Modern Tort Law by Vivienne Harpwood (2009)

4. Law of Robots; Cromes, Contracts and Torts by Ugo Pagallo (2013)

Note : Reading  of Legal Periodicals is invalueable. Relevant case law from national and International Legal platforms is mentioned in each lesson plan. 

Class Schdule

LLB 5year(2019-24) 2nd Semeter, Section A

Wednesday 8:00 to 9:30AM , Friday 9:30 to 11:00AM

LLB 5year(2019-24) 2nd Semeter, Section B

Monday- Tuesday 8:00 to 9:30AM

Evaluation Criteria

Mid-term  : 30 Marks  (27th of April to 5th of May 2020)

Sessional : Assignmnets, Quiz, class participation, Viva Voce

Final- term : 50Marks ( 22nd June to 26th of June 2020)




Course Material