This course will provide a managerial perspective of information systems and what role they play in an organization. Students learn about the modern technologies and how organizations can use these technologies for their growth. Enterprise systems also known as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems provide integrated software modules and a unified database that personnel use to plan, manage, and control core business processes across multiple locations. Modules of ERP systems may include finance, accounting, marketing, human resources, production, inventory management, and distribution. Supply chain management (SCM) systems enable more efficient management of the supply chain by integrating the links in a supply chain. This may include suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and final customers. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems help businesses manage relationships with potential and current customers and business partners across marketing, sales, and service.


To provide students with basic concepts in information system and the benefits with these systems in modern society: To differentiate between data, information, and knowledge: To understand systems definition, systems requirements, and information needed for decision maker: To understand several requirement and operations that the analyst needed to analyze, design, and implement the systems in what is called system development life cycle (SDLC): To identify several methods to enhance and develop information systems and to manage the information system recourses: To understand several ethical issues in information.

Course Material