
The objective of this course is to overview the conceptual basis of Global Trade. International Business refers to the trade of goods, services, technology, capital and knowledge across national borders and at a global or transnational scale. It involves cross-border transactions of goods and services between two or more countries. International Business is also known as globalization.

It also intends to develop an understanding of Multinational Corporations. It seeks to enhance the theoretical and pratical knowledge of conducting and managing business overseas. Multinational companies need to bridge separate national market into one global marketplace. There are two macro-scale factors that underline the trend of greater globalization. The first consists of eliminating barriers to make cross-border trade easier (e.g. free flow of goods and services, and capital, referred to as "free trade"). The second is technological change, particularly developments in communication and transportation technologies.

Learning Outcomes:

Students graduating with an International Business course would be able to:

  • explain how international factors affect domestic concerns;
  • explain regional economic integration and economic and political integration;
  • explain the main institutions that shape the global marketplace;
  • explain businesses expansion abroad;
  • explain the key legal issues related to businesses operating in other countries;
  • students are expected to enhance their cognitive knowledge of global issues; interpersonal skills with individuals from various cultures, and social responsibility awareness on global issues.

Course Material