This course focuses on the basic principles of cartography and deals with the conceptualization, production, analysis, dissemination, and the study of various types of maps, charts, and plans, map scales, coordinates, and projections. Mapping is crucial to exploring and understanding distributions of geographic phenomena so our emphasis in this course will be on designing and producing both thematic and reference maps at multiple scales using a symbol, legibility, and visual hierarchies that allow the content of the maps to be effectively communicated. Maps are often built from existing geospatial data, maps surveys, and other records. Therefore the lab work will involve working with varied digital data sources to allow the student to develop knowledge and expertise in graphical characteristics of maps.

Learning Outcomes:

         On completion of this course student should be able to:

  • Describe the nature of maps and the history of mapping
  • Identify the principles involved in the map production process
  • Interpret maps - on both quantitative and qualitative levels
  • Select map projections to suit map purposes

Recommended Books:

  1. Singh, G. (2009). Map Work And Practical Geography (4th ed.). New Dehli: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
  2. Clarke, K. (2010). Getting started with Geographic Information System. New York: Prentice Hall.
  3. Chang, K. T. (2008). Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (Vol. 4.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
  4. Bygot, J. (1960). An Introduction to Map Work & Practical Geography. London: Tutorial Press.


Course Start Date: January 13, 2020

Course End Date:   May 08, 2020

Class Timing

Monday        12:00 PM- 01:00 PM

Wednesday  11:00 AM- 12:00 PM

Thursday      10:00 AM- 11:00 AM


Assessment Criteria: Total Marks 100

Sessional: 20 [ Assignments (05) Presentations (05)  Quiz (05) Attendance (05) ]

Mid Term  (Term paper): 30

Final exam: 50

Course Material