An overview of the ocean environment with an emphasis on the interrelationship of the subdisciplines of ocean sciences. This course will focus on the importance of the oceans to human beings as well as the impact of human activities on the oceans. Material covered: the formation and structure of their basins (continental margins, deep abyssal plains, ridges, and trenches); the physical description of their surface (waves, and tides) and of seawater (physical properties, identification of water masses based on density); the general oceanic circulation patterns (fluxes of energy at the ocean-atmosphere interface, drift, and thermohaline circulation); the biological oceanic populations as a function of diverse physio-chemical variables. These theoretical aspects of oceanography will be followed by regional case studies of coastal systems and an introduction to the state of the environment in the Oceans (i.e contamination, oil spills, fisheries exploitation).     

 Learning Objectives:

 It is the goal of this course that, by the end, a student will:

  • Discuss ocean policy and analyze it from a scientific and social perspective
  • Understand complex interaction in the ocean system.
  • Describe the principles involved in the generation of waves and tides and evaluate their effects on coastal processes and marine ecosystem

Text Books:

  1.   Webb, P. (2017). Introduction to oceanography. Online OER textbook. 
  2.   Sverdrup, K. A., Duxbury, A., & Duxbury, A. C. (2006). Fundamentals of oceanography. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.


Course Start Date: March 03 , 2020

Course End Date: June 12  , 2020

Class Timing

Tuesday      11.00 AM - 12.00 PM     

Wednesday 11.00 AM - 12. 00 PM 

Friday          10.00 AM - 11.00 AM

 Assessment Criteria:

Sessional: 20 [ Assignments (05) Presentations (05) Quiz (05) Attendance (05)]

Mid Term (Term Paper): 30

Final exam: (50)



Course Material