Islamic Studies (Compulsory ) URCI-5105


Introduction to Course

Islamic Studies engages in the study of Islam as a textual tradition inscribed in the fundamental sources of Islam; Qur’an and Hadith, history and particular cultural contexts. The area seeks to provide an introduction to and a specialization in Islam through a large variety of expressions (literary, poetic, social, and political) and through a variety of methods (literary criticism, hermeneutics, history, sociology, and anthropology). It offers opportunities to get fully introductory foundational bases of Islam  in fields that include Qur’anic studies, Hadith and Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Islamic philosophy, and Islamic law, culture and theology through the textual study of Qur’an and Sunnah..

Islamic Studies is the academic study of Islam and Islamic culture. It majorly comprise of the importance of life and that after death. It is one of the best systems of education, which makes an ethical groomed person with the qualities which he/she should have as a human being. The basic sources of the Islamic Studies are the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah or Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammadﷺ. The learning of the Qur’an and Sunnah guides the Muslims to live piece, respect each other and follow the righteous path. Teaching of the Qur’an and Sunnah guide the Muslims that how to pray and please Allah which is based on certain rules and laws. The guidance through these sources shall be taken for improving the lives of the Muslim students regarding their ethical and social positivism.  

Course Code: Islamic Studies (C) URCI-5105

Credit Hours:02


Learnig Outcomes

  • To make students understand the relevance and pragmatic significance of Islam in their lives.
  • To make learners comprehend the true spirit of Islam with reference to modern world.
  • To generate a sense of Islamic principles as a code of living that guarantee the effective solutions to the current challenges of being.
  • To provide Basic information about Islamic Studies
  • To enhance understanding of the students regarding Islamic Civilization
  • To improve Students skill to perform prayers and other worships 
  • To enhance the skill of the students for understanding of issues related to faith and religious life.



منتخب قرآنی آیات  ،منتخب احادیث ، مطالعہ سیرت کی اہمیت ، تزکیہ نفس اور تشکیل معاشرت  میں حضور ﷺ کا منہاج،غزوات النبی ،اقامت دین کا نبوی منہاج ،  اقامت دین میں خلفائے راشدین کا منہاج ،قرآن مجید میں سیرت سرور دو عالم کا بیان، اسلامی تہذیب کا تعارف،عوامل عناصر، خصوصیات ،اسلامی تہذیب کے دوسری تہذیبوں پر معاشرتی و سماجی ، علمی اور فکری اثرات ،عصری تہذیبی تصادم تہذیب انسانی حقوق ،اسلام کا تصور علم ،  مختلف علوم  میں مسلمانوں  کی خدمات ، مکالمہ بین المذاہب


  1. Muarif ul Quran (Mufti Muhammad Shafi)
  2. Tafhim ul Quran Moualna Moudoodi
  3. Hameed ullah Muhammad, ‗Introduction to Islam
  4. Islami Nazria Hayat Pro Khurshid Ahmed
  5. Khutbat Madras  Syed Suleman Nadvi
  6. Insaan Kamil Dr Kalid Alvi


  • Final Term Exam: 50 Marks
  • Mid Term Exam: 30 Marks
  • Sessional: 20 Marks
    • Presentation: 05 Marks
    • Assignment : 05 Marks
    • Attendance: 05 Marks
    • Class Behaviour : 05 Marks

Date and Time of Classes

Time Table

Every Wednesday and Thursday from8:00 AM to 9:00 AM 

Course Material