BCPA -309                            Conceptual Art                                                          3(1-2)

Course Contents:

  • Introduction to conceptual Art
  • Creation of peace of art (3D & Durable) on given theme
  • Self (theme)
  • Box or any geometrical form (theme)
  • Discussion on contemporary Conceptual Artist 

 Introduction of Conceptual Art

A widespread movement from the mid-1960s through the 1970s, conceptual art emphasized the artist’s thinking, making any activity or thought a work of art without the necessity of translating it into physical form, although many included a physical object or artwork to evoke the artist’s idea or thought.

Many people consider Marcel Duchamp the first Conceptual artist. For example, his “readymades” (think of his famous urinal “Fountain”) turned the idea of making art on its head. The object being much less important than the meaning of the artwork.

In its broadest sense, conceptual art can be traced back to the primitive artist who included the backbone in his drawing of a fish because he ‘knew’ it was there, even though it was outwardly invisible. The Renaissance, with its concern for accurate depiction, could be said to have firmly placed the emphasis on the perceptual rather than the conceptual.



  • Produce creative works that demonstrate innovation in concepts, formal language and/or materials
  • Describe, analyze and interpret created artwork
  • Recognize elements  and concepts of art  in works of art
  • Analyze, interpret and evaluate the form and content of works of art
  • Twenty-year survey (Newport Beach, Calif.: Newport Harbor Art Museum, 1988), pp. 5
  • Culture: Images and Interpretations (Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1994)
  • The classic polemic advancing this position is Michael Fried, “Art and Object-hood,” in Gregory Battcock, ed., Minimal Art (New York: Dutton, 1968), pp. 116–147.


Course Material